How Does Osteopathy Treatment Work For Babies?

There is no minimum age for you to bring your child in to see an Osteopath for therapy. Only gentle and appropriate techniques are used by your Osteopath to help rebalance the baby's tension or discomfort in their body. We work on the skull, spine, abdomen, pelvis, lower and upper limbs, soft palate, jaw and throat. Working on these areas can allow your little one to move and feel better aiding in many complaints such as...

  1. Breastfeeding difficulties
  2. Trauma from a difficult delivery
  3. Crying, fussiness and sleep disturbance
  4. Reflux, gas or constipation.
  5. Head shape asymmetries and congenital torticollis.

Your Baby is a little you. Just as you feel aches and pains they can also feel pain. However, they can not voice it to you. This is when we see it come through behavioural changes, actions or fussiness.

What Does The Session With The Osteopath Look Like?

  1. We will go through a gentle and comprehensive case history, assessment and examination of your little one to work out what is happening and how we can best help you both.
  2. Using gentle techniques and rhythmic motions we will help resolve any musculoskeletal complaints found during the examination period.
  3. Review your little one in the coming days to weeks to ensure progression. We may also incorporate a GP or material nurse if need for further aid if required.

A few Osteopaths at Frankston Osteopathy LOVE treating little ones. Anita, Alisdair and Justin are some. If you would like further information on who to book in with and when. Contact us via our phone number or media sites on our home page!

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