
If you talk to someone who commonly suffers from a migraine, they will tell you it does not feel like a normal head ache. People commonly link severe headaches with a migraine. This is incorrect. A migraine is commonly on one side of the head and accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound and aura or no aura (visual disturbance). There is also far to many different type of headache to be aware of that will not be covered here to avoid confusion.

How does a migraine occur?

Sadly it is hard to know why is occurs. But, research suggests the most likely reason is abnormal brain electrical activity that leads to hyper-reactivity. Okay... So what does that mean? This means the genetic makeup of your brain is designed to work faster, react faster and fixate on things more. This speed is also why a migraine can occur, as it can also overreact when exposed to excess stimuli; provoking a migraine attack.

Can an Osteopath help?

Your Osteopath will examine you, talk to you about your history of migraine and what triggers your attacks. From here, we can help you find long term strategy to try prevent the frequency of your attacks. Depending on the type and severity of your migraine, your Osteopath may use a combination of techniques to relieve your pain and work with other health professionals to treat your triggers.

Triggers can include anxiety and stress, hormone imbalance, foods, blood sugar drop and more.

Osteopathy is a great therapy to try for headache as it is as conservative approach. It is important to acknowledge we can not remove the migraine, nor can we guarantee it will never come back. But with the right techniques, reduce triggers and combination of therapist. We can help settle the frequency, intensity and duration of your migraine.

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