What is Frozen Shoulder?!? Frozen shoulder or 'adhesive capsulitis' is a condition where the ligament capsular around the shoulder thickens, increasin...
What is PLANTAR FASCIITIS?!? Plantar Fasciitis is a foot based condition that causes pain and discomfort during walking, first thing in the morning o...
What Is Bursitis? A Bursa is a small fluid sack that sits between your bone and muscles in many locations throughout your body. It helps lubricate jo...
How Does Osteopathy Treatment Work For Babies? There is no minimum age for you to bring your child in to see an Osteopath for therapy. Only gentle and...
There are several different types of stretches to call upon for different reasons. And this is confusing when you look around at your environment and ...
Osteoarthritis or OA is a common degenerative joint disease (DJD) conditions that can affect the knee. This, is when the knees joint surface starts to...
Yes! Osteopaths can help your Sciatic symptoms Your Osteopath is able to aid in relieving some of the pain felt from sciatica. This can be achieved in...
Well, What is Cupping? Cupping is a form of conservative therapy that uses either plastic or glass cups to create pressure or suction between yourself...
The Osteopath Osteopaths are trained to treat many different parts of the body, including the hip. How Osteopaths treat the hip however, strongly corr...
What is the Cracking sound? First off, let us clear one thing up. It is not a crack. Nothing is cracked. "You crack eggs, not spines". So, what crea...
Why Should I try box breathing? Your body regulates its stress pathways via two systems, your parasympathetics and sympathetics. The parasympathetic ...
Intro: If you talk to someone who commonly suffers from a migraine, they will tell you it does not feel like a normal head ache. People commonly link...
Intro Back, neck, and shoulder pain are all common symptoms treated by Osteopaths. And for those working in a stationary field that requires long peri...
Sever’s disease causes heel pain in children and adolescents. It is more common in very active children who do sports that involve a lot of running an...
Key points: Masks are still recommended, but not required in private practice. Positive cases no longer need to isolate for seven days. However, y...
Headaches can be a debilitating condition that may effect some individuals on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Head, jaw, face and neck pain can be ...
Are you stuck in an exercise RUT? Do you have a niggling low back, knee or shoulder which is irritated by everything that you do? Do you feel that yo...